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Pretty much anything goes in Bairro Alto, while you’ll want to dress up a bit for the fancier clubs to ensure you get past the doorman. Bars in Lisbon tend to be free-entry and open until 3 or 4 a.m., with nightclubs will charge an entry free and close around 6 a.m.ĭress code and etiquette vary considerably from area to area.

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With dinner on weekends sometimes only starting around 9 or 10 p.m.-or later-don’t expect to find the bars bustling until at least 11 p.m. Like much of Southern Europe, the Portuguese tend to eat late. Photo credit: Web Summit Text overlay: Devour Lisbon Food Tours Party like a Lisboeta: 3 Things You Need to Know About Lisbon Nightlifeīefore we get into where to go, a few basic guidelines to get your bearings.

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